Systemic Racism


As part of Catholic Charities’ commitment to ensure our own staff, as well as staff (and volunteers) in member agencies, reflect the values we profess, we formed a working group to examine how to respond to issues of racism and bias.

A diverse group of representatives from member agencies, as well as Catholic Charities staff and board members, are now working on laying the foundation for Diversity, Equity & Incusion—Towards Ending Systemic Racism. Still in its early days, this team of dedicated members is working on ways to learn about and reflect together on unconscious bias, as well as best practices to support diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Together, we are imagining how change could take place in our organizations, as well as what it would mean for the future.

Interested in learning more? Check back i as we provide updates. In the interim, consider taking the Harvard Implicit Bias Test, an online tool that will take you about 8-10 minutes to complete, to discover attitudes you may possess that you had never recognized in yourself.  The Test is accessible at