A New Website Presence for Catholic Charities, July 22, 2022

“I have seen the Lord.”

With this simple but powerful declaration, Mary Magdalene brings the news to the apostles that Jesus has risen (John 20:18).

Today, on Mary Magdalene’s feast day, we are launching the new website and blog for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto, deeply mindful of Mary’s message.

In her witness to the apostles, the Magdalene is saying both that she has actually encountered the risen Lord and also that she sees – that is, understands – the message of Christ.

The mission of Catholic Charities flows naturally out of that message. We want to honour the sanctity of life by serving the most marginalized and vulnerable in our communities and we are inspired to live out Gospel values by serving all those in need from all faith and cultural backgrounds throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto.
We seek to be a voice for the most marginalized, working as social justice advocates with governments, public and various community stakeholders.

We are inspired to be a leader in reading the signs of the time and adapting to emerging and challenging issues with boldness and innovation for those most in need.

For more than 100 years, Catholic Charities has been working in the Archdiocese of Toronto, not only meeting needs of various communities but also anticipating them, offering practical support while serving as a vital voice on social issues.

In the modern age – and especially given the lessons learned from the upheaval and isolation created by Covid-19— an online presence is an essential component of this work. Therefore, we have updated our website to better serve the community, with easier navigation and more up-to-date information.
This blog will look at critical issues of the day. With hope, we can promote discussion and awareness, and perhaps educate, as well.

A chief goal with our new site is to create a conversation, because it is through dialogue that we can move forward respectfully and productively as we work toward the common good.  Consider this an invitation, then, to join us in these discussions. We’d love to hear from you.

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